
Perfect Pancake Pockets

perfectPerfect Pancake Pockets

  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tbs sugar
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbps baking powder
  • 4 tbps buttermilk powder (optional, but yummy)
  • 2 tbs melted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk (may have to add more depending on humidity, egg size, and whether you have an overeager child helping measure out the flour. You want the batter to be the consistency of hand lotion)


  1. mix dry ingredients in bowl first
  2. add milk and eggs and whisk
  3. whisk in melted butter
  4. fill muffin tin 2/3 full (I use paper liners because I really hate buttering pans, but they would work just as well either way)
  5. place toppings (choc chips, dried fruit, whatever you like)

bake about 20 min at 350 degrees


Great on the go, or as snacks, or (as we do in our house) perfect for breakfast!


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