DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Science Is Easy At Home

Lab science is a challenge when you homeschool. The materials and equipment are expensive and many are hard to come by.

Science is easy at homeAs a homeschooling mom, you probably recoil at the idea of setting up a science lab in your kitchen. You instantly think of balding middle-aged men sporting white smocks and goggles, holding beakers filled with acids that could eat their way into the basement if they spill. Well, that is actually not how lab science has to be in your home.

Your child can learn everything they need to know about chemistry and physics and biology without leaving your kitchen and you don’t have to break the back to do it either.

How do I know? Well, I have a secret to share. I used to be a scientist. The kind with a PhD. I gave everything up to be a homeschooling mom and a loving wife and that was the best decision I ever made.

So I know about science and teaching all the subjects at a high school and college level. I know you can do this at home.

Take heart, though. You don’t need to be a science geek to find low cost and free resources to teach science in your homeschool.

There is a great source for free science material (experiment and projects plans) out there called Fizzics Education.

I have used this site to get ideas for kitchen chemistry, human anatomy, botany, and physics. Having spent years and years in electronics, biology, and chemistry labs, I can say that using kitchen chemistry as a way to teach your child at home is more valuable that piling into a crowded high school chemistry lab where you have to share equipment and the instructor must share his attention amongst every child in the room.

You can do this, homeschool mom.

It only seems hard.

Once you get started with your child, you will discover how easy and fun lab science can be.

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