DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Hope Reigns {Our Weekly WrapUp}

Hope reigns when your prayers are answered

Hope ReignsEver notice how much your mood is effected by your kids? When your child is happy,  everything is right with the world. No matter what may come your way, your child’s happy face is all you need.

When you child is heartbroken, you ache. As a mom, it really actually hurts to watch  your child sad or in pain. I guess that is all just part of being mom.

But, my friends, when those dark clouds begin to part and your child’s smile peeks out of the gloom, your mom-world opens wide. The sun streams in and all those prayers and sleepless nights pay off.

A smile! Where will it go from here? Only God knows, but you can sure hope and pray. Lots of praying.

Hope reigns when your child smiles.

And that sums up our week!


Books I am reading these days

I read for fun, but also to try to keep up with what my kids are learning. This last part feels like a race I can never win sometimes, but I suppose trying is what being a homeschool mom is mostly all about.

A Song That Really Sums Up The Past Week. Yes, Hope Reigns!

Posts from the blog this week

Places I am linking up this post

Drop by and read the great posts at the places I linked up this week!

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