
Teaching the Tough Bits : The Subjects You Never Liked

The Subjects You Never LikedOK, be honest. Do you have school subjects you never liked? Did you find yourself dreading the day you had to teach it to your children?

I did.

For me, that dreaded subject is English. I could not write to save my life growing up. I think it was poor teaching methods and a mind that wouldn’t slow down to match the speed of my pencil. I preferred to talk or draw or run around and build stuff as a young person.

I asked my husband for suggestions when we decided to bring our children home and school them here in our living room. Being practical, he said, “just get a book on writing and practice.”

And so I did, but I cannot tell you how confusing grammar was for me. We still have a box filled with different grammar curricula. It felt like being lost in a forest where no one speaks your language and you are stuck there until you figure out how to ask for directions.

One day basic grammar just clicked, right about the time I needed to teach my kiddos.

There were lots and lots of hurdles to come, but at least I had grammar under my belt.

Do you have a story like this? Share it with me!

Isn’t it amazing how homeschooling helps us fill in all those holes in our own education? I guess it is just another of those many, many blessings we discover when we decide to keep our children home.

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