DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

X is for Spots

X is for Spots {Blogging Through The Alphabet}

X is for Spots
(This post contains affiliate links.)

I am sure you are familiar with spots. We are all moms, so we see spots every day.

If you are like me, the first spot you see is a coffee stain on your clean shirt about five seconds after you pour your first cup of coffee.

Then you have to decide to throw it in the wash or just leave it. Afterall there will be many others joining it throughout the day, right?

The next spot is the place you settle for a few minutes of time to yourself before the children get up.

This is a cozy spot, I hope. At least it is quiet and you can drink that first cup of steaming coffee and sit for a bit. This is the spot where I get in synch with myself. I read some scripture, do some thinking, and finally make notes of all the things I have to get done today.

And that leads to the next spot which is all about your kids, usually.

If you are a mom with young children, that spot is probably the kitchen to make breakfast but if your children are older (like mine) and do most of their school after the sun goes down, then that spot is probably the computer to read and write and connect with your homeschooling world.

There are many other spots you see during the day and if you are like me, many of those activities leave their mark on your shirt. (especially if you have little ones!)

In fact it can sometimes feel like your day is a treasure hunt, looking for those hidden spots. Where the dog left your shoe, or where your daughter dropped your phone the last time she used it. Those treasure hunts may not be that fun, but they are necessary.

I ran across a fun treasure hunt, though, that I would love to share with you.

It is an opportunity to seek out some fantastic gems at and discover new ways you can homeschool your children.

The end of the hunt is a huge pile of treasure!

There are prizes to win including a laptop computer and a family pack of Kindle Fire tablets. And they come with a free year-long membership to You could win everything you need to educate your children at home. How can you say ‘no’ to that?

We were first members of when it was only a year or two old. There were great resources like the Curiosity Files and a wonderful Shakespeare for young ones class that my kids absolutely loved. But it was much, much smaller back then. It is amazing how much is available to families at today. If you haven’t looked at it in the last month or two, you will be surprised at how much it has grown! I have high schoolers and there is so much good solid content there for them that we really wouldn’t need to add much else.

So why not add one more spot to your day and join in the fun. Find some gems at the Scavenger Hunt at and enter to win great prizes that will help you to forget the coffee stain on your favorite shirt!

Did you write a post this week around the letter X? If so, join our link up! (and don’t forget to check out my co-hosts at Hopkins Homeschool and Biblical Womanhood)

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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and I linked up this post at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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