DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

The North Wind Blows

the windI realized today that whenever the north wind blows, our homeschool day gets creative. We start up an “Aunt Soup” (named after my sister-in-law who taught my kids at a young age the creative art that is making a hearty delicious soup using whatever you can find in the ‘fridge. Then there is baking. Today we used a few old apples, leftover frosting as a sweetener, and some cinnamon to patch together good-smelling afternoon cake.

One child figured out a way to pet our guinea pigs and instantly put them to sleep and the other decided to dive into the giant box of stickers and trimmings in order to decorate her commonplace book.

While I really don’t like the cold, dry wind that comes out of the north, I really really like the creativity it brings to our little homeschool.

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