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Social Engineering Here We Come?

Control and engineering of our children’s education is fundamentally contrary to our country’s principles of existence.

Yes, we can all agree as parents, especially homeschooling parents, that we know best what our children need and how they learn. After all, we learned what each cry meant probably before they were even a week old. We know how they are feeling just by catching a sideways glance, or hearing the intonation of their voice.

Why would any parent decide that it was just fine for a computer program, fed and controlled by big educational curriculum corporations and the federal government, to dictate to our children and their teachers how to educate our kids?

I recently ran across a video from Pearson, one of those monstrous curriculum companies that has access to your children’s personal information thanks to those longitudinal databases that crept in as a part of common core.

Never mind the total lack of books and paper and pencils in the homes and schools of the kids in the future vision that is Common Core, according to Pearson. Focus instead on the moment at 5:31 minutes into the video, where the mother is proudly reading her son’s computer-based projection of his college aptitude and projected profession. Remember all this data will be used to project future economic growth of our country by various federal agencies, if all goes according to the Common Core plan.

How can anyone, even homeschoolers who may think that they are immune to the effects of Common Core but do not realize that eventually they will be assimilated, stand by without speaking against this?

I have heard some, like Joy Pullmann of the Heartlander Magazine, say that it is possible that after we fight off Common Core, there will be a Common Core II. That is a very depressing thought.

So why are we at this point? And where do we go from here?

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