DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Reach For Something Nice

uncommonEvery time I look up from life with my kids these days I am faced with coming to terms with dreadful events and vitriol in our society.

I think everyone with an understanding of history knows that what is in store. It will not be pretty. It will not be good. All we can hope for is that good emerges on the other side of it.

In the meantime, how can we settle our children in a batting of happiness and comfort as they grow? Only by finding something nice for us, as parents, to focus on. Our children are smart and will know immediately that there is turmoil somewhere. They may sense it when overhearing cryptic comments that pass between you and your husband. They may even sense it simply by an unconscious change in your routine or the way your breathing changes when you quietly read the horrors that are current events these days.

Focus on something nice. The way your kitten curls up for a nap on the kitchen table bench every time you set about washing dishes. The way the sunlight lights a corner of your garden in the morning. The smell of the evening breeze.

Reach for the nice in the world that settles your soul to quietness.

Then face your children.

That is how your family will persevere.

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