DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Molding Family

molding-familyThis time of year, as we close in on Thanksgiving, means so much to me. When I was younger, it was a time of traipsing off to my parent’s house for a meal. It was a time of reinvigorating those bonds with the family I was born into.

But then my husband and I had children. Two very precious children who arrived around this time of year and proceeded to change our life forever.

And so we began slowly molding our own family. We built upon our existing “born into” families and added our own precious children to the mix. The process created a new family that is our own.

We still can spend wonderful times with our original family, but this new unit my husband and I created is now solidly formed into a beautiful entity now that our children have become youths.

Our times around the dining table are less about minding manners and more and more about lively and deep discussions ranging from literature to current events and everything in between. My kids have been paying attention all those years that my husband have read to them. And now they have a pile of knowledge that enables us all to have wonderful times together that challenge and enhance both my husband and myself.

This is a wonderful age and I know that the next years will only be better. But for now I am thankful that my husband and I created our own little family and that it has molded into such a strong and positive place to live.

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