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Explaining To Your Kids

How can you explain the anniversary of a horrific moment in American history to your children? How can you impress upon them the gravity of this day without frightening them and making them feel unsafe?

In our home, we open this day each year with a short but oh-so-important eulogy that Andrew Klavan made about 9/11. It is a statement about America and it’s people. What we hold dear. And what we must guard against.

It is absolutely the most beautiful and cogent and thoughtful statement of what happened on 9/11/01 and why we must be vigilant.

My children, when they were young, did not fully understand Andrew Klavan’s meaning. Even as youngsters they understood that in the face of danger and evil America is everlasting, as long as we hold true to our core beliefs. As each year passes, my kids take a bit more depth and meaning from this eulogy.

Thank you, Andrew Klavan, for using your talents and your heart to create a statement that has helped me educate, reassure, and explain the sanctity of America to my children, especially on a day like today.


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