DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

W is for Where is the Line?

Where is the line?I live in California. I was born about 20 minutes down the freeway from where we live today. And I am really troubled by the animosity that continues to grow against homeschoolers in my state.

This is not about politics, it is about letting me continue to homeschool my kids and nurture them at home where they belong. True, it is politicians attempting to make me change how my husband and I raise our children. But for me it is not about politics at all. It is all about that invisible line that ensures my God-given right to raise my own kids.

I was never sure exactly where that line was, but now I know it is about to be crossed.

Have you noticed changes in your state?

We are facing two pieces of developing legislation right now that will hit us right where we live as homeschooling families.

The first law would mandate annual inspections of my home by a fire marshal – just because we homeschool. Obviously there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

The second law would create a group to “evaluate” requirements the state could impose on homeschooling families to ensure the health and well-being of homeschooled children, mandate curriculum requirements, and possibly require parents have teaching credentials.

This is serious stuff. And it brings me back to the question: Where is the line?

I am still not exactly certain where the line is, but I do know that we are getting awfully close here.

Do you know where your line is?

Did you write a post this week around the letter W? If so, join our link up! (and don’t forget to check out my co-hosts at Hopkins Homeschool and Biblical Womanhood)

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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and I linked up this post at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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