DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Where Is Your Future?

Where is your future?

Where Is Your Future?When I was young, the answer to that question was, “…as a career woman. A professor unearthing the mysteries of biology and physics.”

And then I had children. From the first moment I looked my children in the eyes, my future changed. At first I did not realize it. All I knew was that I loved them.

And then it happened.

They started to learn. This is the single most stupendous feature of humanity in my mind. I fed them new experiences, new toys, new books, and my children learned and learned and learned. The more I gave them, the more they learned.

It was absolutely amazing to me. At the time I only understood it as a scientist and an atheist. It was a confluence of purely biological and chemical processes within them that given the stimuli, grew and changed.

My attitudes began to change, though. For one reason and another, mostly related to my husband and children, I discovered God. And I discovered that what had so fascinated me in watching my children learn was driven by that gift from God to each of us: their souls.

Then my future took a u-turn into another dimension and we began homeschooling.

Now future is focused on my children and my husband. Homemaking and homeschooling, with a bit of entrepreneurship on the side.

And, now, my future is with God.


This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!

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