DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Teaching The Tough Bits: Homeschooling in Small Spaces

I always thought we had plenty of room to homeschool. And then I looked at Pinterest one day and discovered that people dedicate entire rooms to homeschooling and in comparison I was homeschooling in small spaces!

Homeschooling in Small SpacesWhen we first began homeschooling, I set up space in half of our small bedroom (the Hub was less than pleased, but we both wanted to homeschool, so he adapted).

As my kids grew and our collection of art supplies, and science kits, and paper, and curricula exploded I faced the challenge that many of us face – where do I keep all that stuff?

I knew one homeschooling mom who stuffed everything into a couple of closets with shelves in them. She would just stuff everything in at the end of the day and shut the closet door and voila – a normal-looking house!

Our trouble is we live in a house that is a bit over a hundred years old and frankly back then I think they didn’t have much stuff ’cause we only have a couple of closets – for the whole house!.

Then I discovered the joy of hidden spaces. And now I have pretty much filled the entire house up!

Let me share some secret spaces I discovered with you in my small house:

Do you have any super ideas you discovered for storing homeschool supplies in your home?

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