DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Teaching the Tough Bits : Standing Tall, Speaking Clearly

Have you ever thought about how to teach your children to stand tall?

Standing Tall, Speaking ClearlyHow do you teach them to live up to the blessings of freedom we have been given? What does this have to do with homeschooling?

I think it is all about standing tall and speaking clearly. Speaking loudly and without fear. Standing up for your beliefs and the way you live your life.

When we homeschool, we do it to give our kids (those little people whom we love more than anything in the world) their best opportunity for a good life.

To get to the point that we homeschool, many of us travel a winding path. We have to unravel a lifetime of warnings about the dangers of straying from public school.

But when we figure things out and begin our homeschool journey, children by our side, the light is brighter. The air clearer. And the rewards are beyond all measure. Right?

Standing tall is the first step, but it is hard.

Have you ever noticed how many people want us to follow them? Follow what the teacher tells us, don’t have a different point of view. Follow what our politicians tell us, don’t disagree. Follow what our society tells us, don’t speak out. Don’t stand out. Don’t voice a different point of view. Be part of a committee. A committee at the school. A committee in your neighborhood. A committee to make a change.

We have to fight to stand tall when we homeschool. There is no committee. It is just you in your home with your husband and your children.

Homeschooling is standing tall. We put all we have on the line for the future. We sacrifice by homeschooling. We give up that comfortable two-income family life. We take on the costs of education. We spend countless nights studying and planning so that we can teach our children. We shelter our children negative comments at the park or the grocery store about homeschoolers.

Every day we stand tall by thinking clearly. Always thinking clearly.

And by thinking clearly and standing tall, we show our children. We teach them to always, always stand tall.


and I linked up this post at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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