DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

S is for Slow Down!

Do you ever feel like you need to slow down? Well, sometimes I do.

S is for Slow DownBut usually I am so hyped and my head so full of plans and processes and kid-related tasks that I don’t notice.

I don’t realize that I really need to stop trying to do everything for everyone and I need to focus on my first love.

That would be my husband. (I am going to get a little mushy here since it is almost our wedding anniversary.)

Yes he is my first, my last, my only love. We met when I was only 19 and I knew right away he was the only one for me.

But these days with homeschooling teenagers and all the high-school planning and tracking, I sometimes lose track of my first love. I forget to slow down and spend some time with him.

So tonight we took advantage of a scout service event to drop my son off, park the car, and have a date.

For us a date can be as simple as a trip together to gas up the car and a stop at the grocery store. But beyond that, it has been ages since we just spent slow time together.

Tonight we started by looking at pics of our kids on our phones – what do you expect? We love them dearly! But then we got out and took a walk together. It was a simple amble around someone else’s neighborhood. But it was so wonderful to have time just to enjoy being together. Alone.

So for me, this week is a reminder to slow down. Remember to slow down and focus on your loves – all of them.

Do you ever find yourself needing to slow down? Share your tips with me!

And, did you write an ‘S is for’ post that you would like to link up with us?

Grab a button to put on your blog, and add your post below!

And then hop on over to read the great posts written by my wonderful co-hosts Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool and DaLynn @ Biblical Womanhood!

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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and I linked up at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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