DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Tis The Season For Discounts and Planning New Classes!

Tis The Season

This week was pretty run-of-the mill. We just continued along our merry homeschooling way. … BUT I found a pile of resources to use for next year as I continued to plan (my absolutely favorite activity, truth be told).

So, here is what I have found so far…


I ran across these wonderful fairy tale books (Fairy Tale Calculus) that teach the basics of calculus in a gentle and understandable way. I started looking through them to see if the kids could benefit and then got hooked! I think I will be reading these aloud in the fall!

We are also reading The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser – and boy oh boy is that fantastic writing! It is definitely not for the younger kids but perfect for high schoolers.

And I also got the Philosophy Adventure pre-Socratics curriculum from Homeschool Adventure. This a fantastic introduction to philosophy with a worldview that matches my own. This high school course also covers from logic, speech, and writing credits so it is a great choice.


We are finishing The Aeneid, Wes Callihan Style!


(We are currently reviewing Fascinating Education’s Biology course, and so far it is actually fantastic! My kids will use this for their high school biology requirement)

My kids want to get all the core high school classes out of the way as possible, so we are doubling up science to include chemistry using Novare Science & Math’s General Chemistry text

Now, How Was Your Homeschooling Week?

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