DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Superior Science at Home

Cat eating the barometer. A cateorologist in the making... these home made science tools are actually kitten toys in disguise.Lab science is a challenge when you homeschool. The materials and equipment are expensive and many are hard to come by.

I am lucky to have most everything I need, thanks to a husband who gave me a big box of lab glassware (beakers and flasks and such) and a high quality microscope as a birthday gift when we were dating.

This probably says more about my own strangeness, than his, but either way it came in handy when many years later we find ourselves homeschooling our children.

There is a great source for free science material (experiment and projects plans) out there: Fizzics Education.

I have used this site to get ideas for kitchen chemistry, human anatomy, botany, and physics. Having spent years and years in electronics, biology, and chemistry labs, I can say that using kitchen chemistry as a way to teach your child at home is more valuable that piling into a crowded high school chemistry lab where you have to share equipment and the instructor must share his attention amongst every child in the room.

Even for lab sciences, homeschooling remains a superior choice.

One-on-one beats one-on-many any day.

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