DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Saying So Long To The Library Years : How We Homeschool

I have spent probably years in the library with my children.

When they were babies I would pile them into a red wagon and pull them downtown to the library once a week. As they got older, we went to the library more often and stayed longer.

We got books with stories, books with pictures of far away lands, and books with activities to try at home.

Eventually my kids read all the books in the children’s library and so we expanded our library trips to a library in a nearby city. This was a library that catered to homeschoolers and it had G.A. Henty books and all sorts of wonderful resources. My kids got to know the librarians well, and I got all sorts of upper body workouts lugging bags of books twice a week for years.

And then, recently, my kids started reading books on Kindle. They say they have read everything they want to in the library and they don’t really like the teen section.

I don’t blame them really  – if you have a teen section like the one in our libraries, you will understand exactly what I am talking about.

So now they read books we select together on Kindle, and occasionally take a trip to the adult section of our library.

But those library years are behind us now.

I won’t ever load my kids into the wagon and pull them off through the neighborhood and to the library. But I suppose that is a good thing. (They are both taller than me and definitely wouldn’t both fit in the wagon!)

And so I am saying so long to those library years, and hello to our new season of homeschooling.

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