DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Raising Brave {Our Weekly WrapUp}

This was one of those hard weeks. You know the ones filled with tough times and hard moments?

raising braveYou don’t have to have a traumatic event happen to experience a tough time. They do make things even harder, but you can feel like your week was tough in a week when no one was hurt or injured. Sometimes only you know how brave you need to be to make things look normal.

For me it was yet another week of raising brave. I held myself brave inside, even though I did not feel it really.

And I tried to show my kids how brave looks.

Then towards the end of the week I realized that I shouldn’t have worried about it.

My kids already both have warrior’s hearts. They are filled with bravery down to their toes.

My husband and I already raised our kids brave. They can face anything: danger, uncertainty, and even evil, without fear. They take comfort in family, faith, and their own simple confidence.

And all that is left is for me to figure out how to learn from them.

So how about a little inspiration so we can all be brave?

Our Blog was busy this week – Thank you to everyone who is commenting and joining me as we talk about homeschooling life! I really enjoy the conversation and fellowship.

We are evaluating lots products & books this week that will result in interesting and exciting reviews in a few weeks including:


Places I am linking up this post

Drop by and read the posts of some great homeschooling families at this week’s Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers’ Link Up!

And read through the great posts at Homeschool Highlights Link Up as well.

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