DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

R is for Relax Your Homeschool

A relaxed homeschool is a happy homeschool.

R is for Relax Your HomeschoolIt can be really hard to maintain your cool when the cat walks by as you are working with your kids and sprays the couch, or the dog throws up, or you realize that you forgot to teach your kids spelling all last week!

I know, I have been there.

But have you noticed how happy your kids are when you are relaxed? They blossom and grow at the speed of a sunflower in June.

A relaxed homeschool is a lot like unschooling. Your kids are mostly happy and enjoying learning. There is no, “Go do your spelling now!” – or at least I try to avoid dictating to my kids.

But we don’t unschool. Most of what we do is literature based. And these days it is sort of like our relaxed homeschool is an extension of the classical education my kids had when they were younger. They just kind of grew out of it as they finished off learning the basics. Now we do a lot of required subjects, but I hide it from them in our daily reading time together. The things they do on their own are driven by their own interests. So one studies Military Tactics and the other, programming. (You would never guess which child loves her military tactics!)

So how do you get to relaxed? Well, I wrote a bit about what happened to me in a post I stuck up yesterday, but truthfully I cannot really tell you how relaxed homeschools come to be.

I know it is hard. I know you have to work at it all the time. And there are times when you relapse into stress. But overall you keep trying and most of the time things are relaxed and the children get to practice setting their own course and achieving their own goals, not mine.

But that is how my homeschool looks now that my kids are teenagers. How does your homeschool work? Do you try to get to relaxed? How did you make it work?

And, did you write an ‘R is for’ post that you would like to link up with us?

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And then hop on over to read the great posts written by my wonderful co-hosts Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool and DaLynn @ Biblical Womanhood!

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