DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

The Power in a Field Trip

The power in a field tripHave you noticed that no matter how old your child is, or how many times you have been to that favorite museum or aquarium or zoo, your child seems to find new ways to enjoy the trip and new things to learn?

A couple of weeks ago we took an impromptu field trip. We have been to the beach a gazillion times before as a family and each time is a new learning experience. But this time my teens led the activities.

They decided what our itinerary was to be. They picked the beaches we would visit. Yes, when we go to the beach it is an all day, multi-venue affair!

There were no touristy places on the agenda this time. Not even the much-loved aquarium. The goal for my kids was a chance to stick their feet in the Pacific, roam about without parents, and  explore.

Exploring is big in our family. Everyone loves it. But now that the kids are older I notice that they both choose exploring over any of their formerly-favorite activities.

Back to the field trip.

My daughter planned this trip at the tail end of a big winter storm and at a time of day when the tide was receding and all the planning paid off. We hit the last beach right at the moment when the world of tide pools is accessible to anyone with a love for exploring. They videoed the hermit crab wars that seems to constantly take place in the inter-tidal zone. They discovered a sea lion sunbathing and a new species of bird we had never seen before.

In all, the trip was a total success. Everyone learned something. It was a full embrace of delight-directed learning. Everyone at their own pace and according to their own comfort level. How much better can a field trip get?

So, why am I sharing this story with you? I want you to know that you don’t have to try to find a new venue for each field trip you take. Even if you have been somewhere before. And especially if you have, you can discover so many wonderful adventures in an old field trip spot.

The more you go out, the more you will find. It will never grow stale if you give your children the chance to grab up the delight and embrace the day.

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