DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

T is for Taken

Have you ever thought about what parts of your life are taken?

T is for TakenIf you think about it, how much freedom do you have. Really think. Can you just walk away tomorrow and open a cupcake shop, buy a goldendoodle or two, paint your hair pink, and never look back? I think the answer is probably not. You are taken. And I am taken too.

My heart is taken.

It is filled with my husband and children. It is taken. I have extra room to attend to my friends and inlaws and my pets, but I am pretty well taken.

My time is taken.

I spend my days devoted to my children and husband. My time is always occupied with a mind towards those who take my heart.

My faith is taken too.

I know what I believe and now that I have had years to find my faith. It is taken. No room to turn away. I know what I know. No turning back.

I am taken.

I have found my place. It is not always picture-perfect, but it is truly perfect. It is a place filled with love and companionship and a shared devotion and faith. (and most times we have heat and water and electricity, and Internet!) What more could anyone want?

Are you taken?


Blogging Through The Alphabet

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and I linked up this post at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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