DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Being a Homeschool Mom: When will the light come back?

Hold on, homeschool mom!

Do you ever feel you are pushing through darkness without hope of ever seeing the light again?

Do you ever ask yourself when the light will come back?

You feel like you are just going through the motions each day. Your kids wake each morning and you are on deck. You have to perform. No looking back. No slowing down. There is just you. No one else can do your job.

You are the caregiver, the teacher, the nurse, the policeman and the judge. You are want stands between your children thriving and chaos and darkness.

Yet there are times you are not up for the challenge. You wish you could just take a day to yourself. Just take a day and wait for the light to come back.

But you know what? That feeling of darkness you struggle through is not unique. Know that so many of us moms stand beside you. We may not even know you, but we care. We know how hard it is to come through the darkness and stand in the light when you cannot take a break for yourself.

Stay strong, homeschool mom. We are all here beside you.

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