
Grass is NOT Greener Over There {Why We Homeschool}

Grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. It never is, really.

The grass is not greener over thereWe all know the idea, we have all seen it. When you look over at your neighbor’s lawn their grass always looks greener. You don’t know to look for that brown dry patch in the corner or the weeds that hide below the flowers in the border. All you see is beautiful and green. Even though your own lawn is just beautiful too.

That is exactly how it is with teaching your kids.

When you look at your children you know that little Johnny is struggling with spelling and you worry that he will actually grow up and not know how to spell his own name. You know that your darling Susy cannot tell Madagascar from Minnesota and you fear she will be eternally lost as an adult.

We know all the little deficiencies in our own children, if we homeschool. As moms and dads we have a front-row seat. We know absolutely everything about our kids.

Now other people’s kids are a bit of a mystery. Joey down the street may look like a high-achieving public school superstar, but in reality if you weren’t just “peering over the fence at your neighbor’s grass” you would know that he can’t think straight enough to write a paragraph. Or he only gets through math my memorizing the steps and has absolutely no clue what the math actually means. And his school has taught him that the Bible is a fictional fable story – he just hasn’t figured out how to tell his Christian parents yet.

Yes, my friends, the grass looks greener over there but trust me. It really isn’t.

Your grass is perfect. Your children are perfect just the way they were made. They are yours and you love them with every piece of your heart. So stop looking over the fence and cherish your own grass.

The grass is not greener

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