
A Good Week in a Crazy Life {Our Weekly WrapUp}

What A Good Week in a Crazy Lifedoes a good week look like in your homeschool?

Does a good week change its definition as your kids grow older? How about if you start working on the side?

For me this week was good. There was one candle of hope and love that shone through the murk this week. And I bet you can’t guess what it was.

My candle in the darkness moment this week happened midweek. I was walking through the living room, a pile of laundry in my arms, phone balanced on top in case work needed me.

And there it was.

What? Well, maybe I should just show you a picture.

Where did it come from?


Not my husband. He was still at work.

But who?

I backed up into the dining room/homeschool area and asked my sweet son if he knew where the flowers came from. He said he did and smiled.

Just as I was going to say, “Thank You,” he continued. “It wasn’t me though, Mommy.”

And there was that candle in the darkness moment.

My precious daughter.

I love that she just left something she knew I love in a quiet corner of the house for me to find. It was a present just sitting there waiting for me to discover.

Where did she learn it? Her father.

And that, my friends made a good week out of my crazy life.

Our Blog was busy this week – Thank you to everyone who is commenting and joining me as we talk about homeschooling life! I really enjoy the conversation and fellowship.

This week I wrote about remembering to play with your kids even in the preschool years, teaching honesty and what happens when scientists lose it, and thoughts on how often you tell your children, “Yes.”

Y is for Yes, Mostly Honesty, Western Civilization, and Science Singing in MarblesFourth Form Latin Saves The Day

We reviewed Fourth Form Latin from Memoria Press this week too. I think this series that takes you through Latin grammar stage is one of the best I have seen.

Have you ever heard of Home Free and their rendition of Crazy Life? Well it sure fits my week, so I thought I would share it with you.

We are evaluating lots products & books this week that will result in interesting and exciting reviews in a few weeks:


Places I am linking up this post

Drop by and read the posts of some great homeschooling families at this week’s Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers’ Link Up!

And read through the great posts at Homeschool Highlights Link Up as well.

Homeschool Coffee BreakWeekly Wrap-Up

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