
Every Day, I am Mom

Every Day, I am MomMom is a word that is for me happy and sad at the same time.

Mom is not necessarily your birth mom – she can be an adoptive mom or a mom-in-law and in some cases that is really best. I am blessed with a wonderful Mom-in-Law and beautiful children for me to ‘Mom’.

The happy part of Mom is my role in the world that irreversibly shifted when my children were born. I became Mom and that will never change.

As Mom, I strive each day to fill a set of my own mom-requirements:

  • Mom is a cornerstone of a family.
  • Mom is the person who holds things together when times are tough.
  • Mom is loving and kind. (some are not, but they really should be)
  • Mom is a duty that is gladly filled.
  • Mom is a guiding light for future generations.

I try every day to be that mom to my kids. Some days I shine and other days feel that I must rededicate myself to trying anew.

But every day, I am Mom.

And that will never change.


This post is a contribution to a 5 Minute Friday Challenge by Kate Mojang: “Mom”. Click on over and read some truly wonderful responses from talented writers who dedicate 5 minutes of their time each week to create something really special!

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6 Responses

  1. Yup, you did go through the threshold of being a Mom and it never goes away. But it sounds to me like you are a happy mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

  2. Great list of mom-requirements! I, especially love that moms should be loving. And, you’re right! They should be. My son has no tolerance when he sees a parent being less than anything he deems a good parent.

    1. That is wonderful! It is great when children have a strong moral compass!