DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Embrace Own Pattern

embrace-your-own-patternThrough life we focus on fitting in. We begin as children, watching each other and modeling our parents and our peers. By the time we reach teenage-hood, we are fully focused on following the patterns set by others. Those that set the patterns are the “cool” kids. They are the ones you watched and wished you could be like, but you never talked to. As an adult you wish you could be like your favorite movie star, or musician, or even a local or church leader. Just think about all the effort and time you spend avoiding your own pattern.

Through all this fitting in and modeling, you never noticed that the most important activity of your life was making your own pattern. Those bits that kept you from fitting in with the “cool” kids are exactly those bits that weave your own pattern and make you the unique and valuable person who today gets up early each day and spends every waking moment guiding and teaching and caring for your children, and loving your husband.

So embrace your uniqueness and cherish your own pattern.

And most importantly nurture your children’s unique pattern.

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