DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Do I Have It?

Do I have worth? This is a question I ask myself every time the hub and the bub subsides in our homeschool life.

Without the daily caring for my children and husband and teaching and planning for new lessons, do I have worth?

Am I intrinsically worthy? That I question. I grew up thinking that worth was defined by my achievements in life. The success of my career, the level of education I attained. And then I radically transformed myself into a stay-at-home homeschooling mom whose goals were teaching my kids and being as thrifty as possible, and trying to build some home-based revenue streams on the side.

Now, on hot summer mornings when I go about the washing and cleaning tasks that begin my days, I find myself wondering if I really have worth.

And then my kids wake and the stillness breaks and as I gear up for another day I realize that I do have worth, but it is not as a shining star to be admired. It is as the support for my kids and my husband.

Twenty years ago my worth was defined by my achievements and today my worth is defined by the achievements of my children and my husband. It is a completely different life, but perhaps equally worthy.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!

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