
Family & Parenting

It is hard to find that line between parenting and homeschooling. There are days that there is no separation, but sometimes you have to put away the teacher-mom hat, and just be a mom with your kids so you can focus on being family.
Let me help you refresh and inspire your mom-self with some ideas that worked for me.

How Am I Doing So Far

How Am I Doing So Far? A Frugal Friday

Reviewing the month of food purchases there were some interesting events this month. There are some patterns to food pricing that the dedicated cheapskate can take advantage of if one

Homeschooling Focuses Our Faith

Homeschooling Focuses Our Faith

I Was Terrified to Homeschool When I first set out to homeschool our children I was terrified. I did not know where to turn for advice. I had family who thought

Affording Fun Without Stress

Affording Fun Without Stress

This past week the regular purchases returned to normal, represented by one trip to Costco where I spent about $75 on what is for us a typical market basket. Costco

Word of the Year: Family

Word of the Year: Family

The New Year gives me a chance to think about my life and how I might make it better. This year my life is a nearly bursting with the closeness

Christmas & Letting Go

My kids have a wonderful Christmas every year. In fact, it is their favorite time of year. All of us are happy and relaxed and the Hub and I get

Why Don’t We Teach Our Culture?

My daughter showed me a YouTube video of some tap dancers this afternoon and while I was watching, I realized that people gravitate to dancing and singing generally when they

Focus And A Christmas Reading Challenge

Christmas break is a great time for all sorts of reasons. There is the obvious reason: celebrating and teaching our children about the season. And then next on my list