

How often have you handed a seemingly-innocent book to your child only to discover later that it was filled with things you really do not want to put into your child’s head?

My husband and I gave up when my kids were about 12 and started reading everything before they did. This was especially tough since both my kids are especially gifted in reading. That was actually the reason we turned to classic literature. We needed something to challenge their reading level without the adult themes that are everywhere these days.

Every Wednesday, I plan to share another selection of books from our Do Not Read list. That way I hope to help you avoid that moment when your daughter or son explains the plot of a children’s book to you and you think, “What!? Who thought it was a good idea to include THAT in the story? Is this actually a book for adults that got misfiled into the children’s section of the library?”

So here we go. . .

Playing With Math? You Betcha!

This little book could be your entire math curriculum for preschool and kindergarten combined! A fantastic combination of explanations for the parents along with amazing activities that drive home real-world

Count on Me

Count on Me is a lovely and gentle walk through the day of a young girl who sees shapes and math everywhere she goes. Each page is filled with delicate