
Catching Up To Unhurried | Our Weekly WrapUp with Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails

It was a good week

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This was a good homeschooling week. Not one of those prize-winning performances fit for a Pinterest post, but a solid week where everyone made forward progress in spite of twisted ankles and the obligatory fall colds.

My kids are really good at making the most of every situation they find themselves in, and so we progressed through our week in a happy lopsided fashion, with plenty of liquids, pain reliever, and the go-to activity of all under-the-weather homeschoolers: documentaries.

We mostly focused on Geography

We are reviewing Let’s Go Geography! right now and this was the perfect opportunity to take a deep dive into the country of the week with extra documentaries. This is a product that is designed for younger children, but my kids still have more to learn about Geography, so we are adapting it to the teenage crowd. And boy do my kids love it! But you have to wait to read the review…

For me this week was about catching up to unhurried.

I love the book, The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson. The author does such a good job at making you feel that no matter what you know best. You don’t have to listen to all those other people with ideas about how your homeschool should look. You know your children better than anyone, ever, and you will know if your homeschool is right for them.

But every so often life gets in my way and things get whacked out of joint.

A perfect plan can get derailed by an afternoon spent teaching my son how to cart a washing machine through the yard and up the back stairs without either one of us getting squashed or needing a chiropractor. While he learned a lot about plumbing and the physics of moment arms and levers (thanks to his dad who supervised the operation), we ended up blowing the entire day with all the shuffling and moving and cleaning that came with it.

A number of days like that one have cropped up over the last weeks and so I was no longer the unhurried homeschooling mom I wanted to be. That’s when things start to fray a little at the edges. And that is when I need to push a bit to catch up.

This was my catch-up week

And so this week I finally was able to peek out beyond the piles of clutter that never seem to go away but just get pushed from room to room, and see that most of the house was back to normal and back to nice. Most of our days were back to nice as well this week.

And that is why I think I have finally caught up to unhurried, for now.

Blog Posts This Week:

Favorite Bible Verse This Week:

Bow down thin ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. – Proverbs 22:17

Homeschooling can be messy and there may be tears, and your laundry absolutely never, ever, gets done! But it still is the absolute best thing you have ever done and the best life you could possibly imagine for your kids and for you, right?!

Now, How Was Your Week?

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