DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

All I Need {Our Weekly WrapUp}

Even though we homeschool through June and July, the summer months tend to look a little different. All I NeedThis year we are getting a headstart on books I had planned for next school year. Everyone has projects, plans, and friendships that are keeping them busy these days. I feel like I have all I need right now.

Life isn’t perfect, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t think there actually is a perfect we can get to. At least not here. Still, I have all I need.

Through the bustle of school, camp plans, and trips to see Grandma, there is something different in the air. Maybe it is just that deep sweet smell of the garden cooling off after a warm day, maybe it is the brownies in the oven, but I think it is something more. My kids feel it too. That special summer somthing that means late nights chatting with friends and playing games together. Days spent at a friend’s house learning the finer points of woodworking from a grandpa-aged gentleman. Trips to the dollar store to discover cute trinkets that delight the teenage girl in my life.

Summer is hope and fireworks. Everything is a bit brighter. Life looks up.

And when you sit in the living room in the evening just to listen to your children talking and laughing with their friends in the other room, life is just good. I have all I need.

Books I am reading these days

I read for fun, but also to try to keep up with what my kids are learning. This last part feels like a race I can never win sometimes, but I suppose trying is what being a homeschool mom is mostly all about.

A Song That Really Sums Up The Past Week. All I Need.

Posts from the blog this week

Places I am linking up this post

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