DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

ABC LinkUp is Back!

Blogging Through The Alphabet is an amazing and fun Link Party that happens EVERY Friday & we would love you can join in!


We blog each week on a different letter of the alphabet (A to Z)…

… so hop on through the posts, read some great ideas for homeschooling, comment on a couple of posts that strike your fancy, and make some new friends!

This time we are joined by some wonderful co-hosts!


Amanda Hopkins at Hopkins Homeschool
Christine Howard at Life’s Special Necessities
Dawn Peluso at Schoolin’ Swag
Jennifer King at A Peace of Mind
Kimberley Linkletter at Vintage Blue Suitcase
Kirsten West at DoodleMom Homeschool
Kristen Heider at A Mom’s Quest to Teach
Lori Hooten at At Home: where life happens
Wendy Ross at Life on Chickadee Lane
Yvonne Billian at The Life We Build

The rules are simple: write a blog post and then hop over to the linkup and add your post! Grab a blog button for your post. Take some time to read the other great posts if you have the time and spread some encouragement and appreciation with a comment or two.

Together we can help each other increase our traffic, read some interesting tips and ideas, and spread some good cheer that will help us start off our weekend!

I hope to see you next week as we kick off this fun challenge with the letter. . . A!


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