DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Y is for Yes, Mostly

How often do you tell your children, “Yes?”

Y is for Yes, MostlyWhen your child asks you a question, do you every find that your first reaction is a prepared, “No?”

Well, a few years ago I realized that every time one of my kids came to me with a long, complex question I was already getting ready to say, “No,” even before they were done asking. I was tired. I was busy. And I was stressed, so my first answer always was, “No.”

I did not even realize that I rarely said, “Yes,” until one day my kids pointed it out.

As hard as it was to face, they were right.

Right around the same time I realized I needed more time to organize and plan and reduce all that stress by leaving the hard stuff by the wayside. Not the hard to do stuff, the hard to think about stuff.

After that, life got happier for all of us. And now when they ask me a question, my prepared answer is, “Yes.”

That is how we got to Yes. At least it is Yes most of the time in our homeschool now.

Did you write a post this week around the letter Y? If so, join our link up! (and don’t forget to check out my co-hosts at Hopkins Homeschool and Biblical Womanhood)

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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and I linked up this post at this week’s Weekly Homeschool Blog Link Up at the Homeschool Review Crew.

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