DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Canterbury Fun

maskThis week we read Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The kids loved it so much that every brief interlude during the day the call came, “Mommy, please read more!”

They laughed through the Miller’s tale so loudly that I had to take several breaks to let the mirth subside so they could hear my reading.

They looked sad during some tales, and angry at the injustice during others.

I had never read the Canterbury Tales before, and I must say the tales themselves and the interludes between are far more entertaining than the best TV show or movie.

It was a wonderful beginning for my children to “see” medieval life unfolding in their imaginations. Its sights, sounds, and even the smells so vivid that they have a framework to place the dates and events they will be learning about during the rest of this year.

When we had finished the book, both kids simultaneously said, “When can we start his next book? Does it have more tales?”


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