DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Teaching Your Kids When You Are Plumb Out Of New Ideas

Teaching Your Kids When You Are Plumb Out Of New Ideas

Teaching IdeasAt the start of each new school year, I am full of grand teaching ideas. Everything is new and fresh and exciting!

But sometime between the end of winter and the beginning of spring we always hit the doldrums in our homeschool.

The curriculum and books my kids are working through are either all done, or hopelessly far from completion. The subjects they love are all done and the ones that are third or fifth choices are struggling.

It really feels like I need to find something new to rejuvenate our homeschool.

Here is a list of things that have worked in the past:

I am sure you are noticing that most of these things are not school-related strictly speaking. But one thing I recently discovered is that homeschooling is really not about schooling at home. It is creating a lifestyle that merges family and child raising with learning everything they need to know before they go out and make their way as adults. That includes faith and education and learning how to cook and clean and be there for each other, always.

Where do I come up with all these ideas?

What do you do when your homeschool needs a jump start? Where do you find ideas?

Now, if you homeschool your kids already, what kind of fellowship have you found to support you in this perfect way of life?

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