DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Sharing The Word Even When You Will Never Meet

(Another) Review of Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack from Let the Little Children Come

Sharing The Gospel With Children In A Shoebox

sharing-the-wordI reviewed the Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack from Let the Little Children Come earlier this year and discovered all sorts of wonderful ways to use the different tracts in the pack. But after the review was done, I discovered what might be the best way to share God’s word with these tools and so when I got the opportunity to review the product again, through FlyBy Promotions, I jumped at the chance to share my story.

Every year we fill shoe boxes with supplies and toys. Then we take the boxes to an organization who sends them out across the globe to share a message of kindness and joy and faith with children and their families. I always put a toy and a handmade item in each box, but then I am usually stuck for ideas. I would love to share God’s word with these children but many of the boxes go to places around the world that are not English-speaking. What use is it to send a children’s book that might not be easily read?

Well, this year I realized I could fill the boxes with items from the Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack! There are so many different types of tools and tracts in the sampler pack, and many of them do not require the child to read very much in order to understand. They complement the message of sharing gratitude and celebrating joy that are central to the boxes we pack each year.

And so the tools and tracts went into our shoeboxes and next year I will purchase even more packs to add to our boxes!

So save the thought if you send shoeboxes – it will make your packages just a bit more special for a child you will (probably) never meet.

About the Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack

The sampler pack includes ten of the most popular Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools. When you open the Sampler Pack you will find

About Let The Little Children Come

Let The Little Children Come aims to provide effective gospel tracts and evangelism tools and resources for children.
It is the hope that these tools and resources will help you in conveying the powerful gospel message to children.
these gospel tracts are all specially designed to capture and hold the attention of children, while not distracting them
 from the core message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
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