DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

The Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit

Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit from ACTÍVA Products

Summer Crafting Projects Review

I was excited to get an opportunity to try a totally new type of sculpture crafting product, Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit from ACTÍVA Products, and the kids and I ended up having fun.

What Comes In The Box

We opened the package to find 2 packages of Rigid Wrap and 1 Bag of CelluClay. There are project ideas on the sides of the box, and you can find more project ideas in the free ebook (ACTÍVA Products’ Favorite Sculpture KIDS CRAFTS).

Prepping The Art Area

When the product box arrived, my kids unpacked it from the shipping box and we discovered that this would be a messy project. In our house, good art is always messy so I knew how to prepare. I covered our dining room table with plastic wrap taped to the underside of the table. This meant that we could just relax and I wouldn’t worry about anything while we played with the sculpting material.

Free eBook Provides Ideas

We took a look through the free eBook (ACTÍVA Products’ Favorite Sculpture KIDS CRAFTS) to get ideas. My daughter loves spiders, so she really liked the spider craft idea in the book. But the squishy fun overtook her once we started mixing up the clay and we ended up with our own projects instead.

Use The Rigid Wrap To Mold and Cast

My son molded with the Rigid Wrap, which is essentially like the old cast material (dried plaster on a woven fabric strip). The difference is that once dried, the Rigid Wrap easily loses its rigidity when handled.

He cut it to size and dipped in it water and then molded it to various objects…

…including my glasses (which I then forgot about until I went on a hunt for my glasses around dinnertime and eventually found them in the Rigid Wrap, completely undamaged).

Use The CelluClay To Sculpt

My daughter mixed up the CelluClay by pouring the package into a bowl and adding water and mixing with her hands until it got the right consistency. This is a neat product, but becomes very airborne when you pour it out of the package. So I suggest you don’t have a fan on in the room like we did. Then she molded with the mixed clay.

You Can Paint Rigid Wrap When It Is Wet

We tried painting the Rigid Wrap while it was still wet and got some interesting and very bright colors and turned this into a colored carpet. We also tried rolling up the wet Rigid Wrap to make a tube that we fashioned into a snake to sit on the colored carpet.

Sculpting Shapes & Painting Them

We also molded shapes to make a chess set out of CelluClay (and yes, the knights are actually dogs because horses are hard to make). This we let dry for a day or so. Then we painted it with Gesso to seal it. That we followed with coats of black and white acrylic paint. Then we used acrylic flesh-colored paint to make faces on the pieces. And a day later we used colored permanent pens to draw eyes and hair and noses and mouths on our chess set.

Overall, this was fun and definitely different. Clean up is pretty easy (just don’t put the CelluClay down the drain – don’t ask!). The Rigid Wrap is interesting and younger children might really enjoy playing with the product. The CelluClay can be messy, but with some care we were able to make some fun pieces that will last and provide us all enjoyment!

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