DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Dorothy Sayers’ Gospel Calms My Soul

sayers-gospel-doodlemomDorothy Sayers is one of those authors who really made a difference in my life. I grew up reading her Lord Peter Wimsey stories. When I began homeschooling my children, she provided me advice and direction with her “Lost Tools of Learning” book. And now that my children are in high school, wee are reading her translation of the three Dante books.

This book is a compilation of her letters and writings that center on her thoughts about the Gospel. It is a book to treasure. Her phrasing is unique and perfect. She can pull exactly the right emotion from your core as you read her ideas and thoughts. Just perfect.

We are nearing Christmas, so put this book on your wish list. Or just purchase it for yourself and in the midst of the craziness of the preparations and family visits and office parties, find some quiet moments to yourself to read and hear Dorothy’s words in your soul as she shares wisdom and comfort. That is exactly what we need at this time of year.

Description from the Publisher

In this anthology, renowned murder mystery writer Dorothy L. Sayers tackles faith, doubt, human nature, and the most dramatic story ever told.

For almost a century, a series of labyrinthine murder mysteries have kept fans turning pages hungrily as Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane discover whodunit, again and again.

Detective novel enthusiasts may not know that for almost as many years, Christian thinkers have appreciated the same Dorothy L. Sayers for her acumen as an essayist, playwright, apologist, and preeminent translator of Dante’s Divine Comedy.

Now, for the first time, an anthology brings together the best of both worlds. The selections uncover the gospel themes woven throughout Sayers’s popular fiction as well as her religious plays, correspondence, talks, and essays. Clues dropped throughout her detective stories reveal an attention to matters of faith that underlies all her work.

Those who know Sayers from her nonfiction writings may wonder how she could also write popular genre fiction. Sayers, like her friend G. K. Chesterton, found murder mysteries a vehicle to explore the choices characters make between good and evil. Along with C. S. Lewis and the other Inklings, with whom she maintained a lively correspondence, Sayers used her popular fiction to probe deeper questions. She addressed not only matters of guilt and innocence, sin and redemption, but also the cost of war, the role of the conscience, and the place of women in society.

None of these themes proved any hindrance to spinning a captivating yarn. Her murder mysteries are more reminiscent of Jane Austen than Arthur Conan Doyle, with all the tense interpersonal exploration of the modern novel.

About the Book

Author: Dorothy Sayers
ISBN: 9780874861815
Price: $18.00 (USD)
Publisher: Plough Publishing House
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