DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Saving Marty – It is not really about the pig

Saving Marty
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Saving Marty appears on the surface to be the story of a boy and his pig. There are so many of these stories in the world, but this is not really the tale of a pig. Yes, there is a pig in the story, but this story is about the boy.

Summary of the Story

Renzo lives with his mom and his Double (grandpa) on the family farm. His mother tries to keep everyone fed by raising pigs and puppies and one particular pig ends up joining the puppy pack, bonds with 11 year old Renzo, and never looks back. This fantastic pig is loved by everyone, but he is not really the center of the story. This tale is one of Renzo discovering, losing, and renewing his faith in his father. He hardly remembers his father but he has his father’s guitar that he uses to compose songs about his life. Renzo also remembers his father with the bronze star that Renzo keeps on a chain around his neck so he can hold it close to his own heart. With the help of a childhood friend, Renzo comes to terms with his father’s death and the mysteries surrounding it that his mother has kept from him all these years. He and his mother renew their relationship and save a pig, named after his father.

Values In The Book Are Good For Everyone

If you are a Christian, you will find this story will help your teen to maintain his faith. While not overtly Christian, this story deals with values and beliefs that we try to teach our children in a way that helps them reconcile the bad things that happen in life.

Book Details

Saving Marty by Paul Griffin

Publication Date: September 2017

Price: $16.99 US ($22.99 CAN)

Middle Grade Fiction

Ages 13 to 99 (although I loved this book as an adult, I would not let younger children read this due to the suicide theme in the story)

208 pages

Publisher: Dial Books for Young Readers


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