Site icon DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life


This afternoon I am in my car waiting for my child. It is music lesson day and usually I would be inside listening to the lesson / concert. But today I am outside , by myself. And it is quiet. The kind of quiet that is so strikingly rare for us living in a big city that it is nearly deafening. My thoughts can fill every inch of my head – there are no gardeners across the street with blowers, no police sirens, and no children talking. Just quiet.
How often do our lives, as homeschooling moms, ever include an hour of solitude and utter peace? I know many of us wake early so that we can steal a half hour or so of time alone. But, at least for me, that is not quiet time. Not time in which I can have extended thinking time. Time that centers me.
I hope that at least once in a while you find a patch of quiet to plop down into. The quiet will be refreshing, trust me.

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