DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

A Puzzle For Mom

​A Puzzle For Mom – A Review of Daily Bible Jigsaw from Planet 316

What Is It?

A Puzzle For MomPuzzle games for your smart phone are really common. They are mostly the same thing: a puzzle that helps you occupy a bit of time. But the Daily Bible Jigsaw from Planet 316 offers deeper levels of play that keeps you coming back each day. I even found myself looking forward to the time I would have to myself in the evening to play.

Will It Enhance Your Homeschool?

This puzzle game is made by a company that produces other homeschooled-focused products like Charley Church Mouse Bible Adventures and Daily Bible Jigsaw. I found that playing the puzzle helped keep me balanced and happy so in that sense, it does enhance our homeschool. And if you are willing to share, your children would probably like the game as well and learn and be reminded by the quotations from the Bible that are part of the puzzle rewards.

What Comes With This Product?

The puzzle is a free download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and can be played without cost and stand-alone.

You can also get the Daily Bible Jigsaw on Facebook (using a Mac or PC computer web browser but Chrome and Firefox work best) or in the Facebook Gameroom (designed for PC computers . . . this is Facebook’s new PC game platform similar to Steam)


Coins for Extra Features: These can be purchased to enhance your puzzle solving with optional tools like rotate (turns all the pieces into the correct orientation), sweep (pushes all the pieces to the margins), magnet (puts together two random pieces), and edge (my favorite – which only shows the edge pieces and helps you to get started).

Earn Coins As You Play: You also can earn coins in the game by putting together special pieces that pop up for a short time.

Social Play: The game takes on a whole new competitive dimension with an optional ability to connect to your friends using your Facebook account.

Hidden Pictures Each Month: As you play each day’s new puzzle you unearth on the calendar a new picture, which adds to the fun. I spent a lot of time trying to guess what each month’s picture was. You can spend a few coins to play puzzles from days on the calendar that came before you start the game so you can fill out the pictures for a lot of months.

Bonus Puzzles: If you consistently play this game, you will earn bonus puzzles. These are harder and have more pieces, but it is extra fun to work these.

Suggested Use

Download and install the game on your smartphone and play a game each day. Use it when you are waiting for your child at a sports activity, or when you are waiting for an appointment. Or use it when you get a quiet moment to yourself at the end of the day.

If you are willing to possibly give up your game completely, then you can show it to your children. Even youngsters can play this game. But in all honesty, I was selfish and unwilling to share with my kids because I knew that they would like it too much and I wouldn’t ever get the game back!

Time Required To Use This

Each game takes at most 5 minutes or so. As you play more and more, you will find the time to complete a puzzle will drop until it only lasts a couple of minutes each day.

Did I Like It?

Oh, boy howdy – did I ever! I started reviewing this game thinking, “I will play it through the review period and that will be that.” But now it has become part of my day – a part that I look forward to and wonder which bit of scripture will be on today’s puzzle.

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