DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Parenting Beyond The Rules

Have you ever read a book that just reaches out and speaks to you? Parenting Beyond The Rules grabbed me by the apron strings from the first page.

I love that the author weaves her message in and about the story of her own homeschool adventure and the other moms that she got to know. You can find yourself in the host of characters. It has the effect of making you feel you are a part of the journey she tells.

By far and away, this is the best parenting book I have read. It is perfect for anyone with children, whether you homeschool or not. If you have children and love them, you need this book!

“Parenting beyond the rules means knowing the brushes ou have to work with and the colors you want to include but investing the time and valuing your relationship withyour child so you can improvise in the midst of intentionality.”


Parenting teens is one of the most challenging seasons of parenting, isn’t it? While this can be a difficult time of transition for parents and teens, there is hope. You can parent well and build a stronger relationship even through the teen years.

After 30 years of parenting five children and 20 years of working with teens, Connie Albers has witnessed the negative impact of well-intentioned but misguided parenting styles, all focused on managing teens rather than guiding them. But through learning to focus on the hearts of your teens, you can avoid those pitfalls and build relationships that last beyond the transition years as you intentionally learn about, connect with, and listen to your teens. In a world filled with distractions and devices, it is possible to guide their hearts and remain the primary influence in their lives. In Parenting beyond the Rules, you will discover how to raise a teen according to his or her strengths, talents, and personality type, as these things equip teens to manage life.

Join Connie Albers in discovering practical solutions for every parent trying to raise a responsible, godly teenager.


Author: Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo

ISBN: 9781631468858

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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