
New Free Math Worksheets

I spent a lot of time as my kids were growing up to adjust curriculum to meet their needs. I have those typically gifted-in-some-areas, challenged-in-others, children.

Neither of my children learn the same way. One is an auditory learner and the other is kinesthetic. Both can adapt, but as I spent hours and hours telling my daughter growing up, “The problem is not you, it is the curriculum that is not written to make it possible for you to learn.” We

That is a long-winded way of explaining why I have so many worksheets and stories and whole curriculum of my own making. I needed to adjust what was out there to fit my own kids.

I have started adding my worksheets to TeachersPayTeachers (an amazing site for all teachers, home and school).

This week is a way to teach some geometry of triangles to elementary and middle school aged children with a hands-on activity that my kids and I called Magic Triangles.

Magic triangles is a fantastic way for your kinesthetic learners to get hands-on experience learning what similar triangles are. This activity is perfect for a classroom setting as well as at home. Instructions are clear and simple and will guide each child through the activity with little assistance required from the teacher.

The magic triangles activity fits any of the state and national standards, but is also geared to help any child learn about the concept of similar triangles, from third grade through middle school.

You can download Magic Triangles, free, at

Keep a look out every Thursday here as I announce the week’s new printables, worksheets, and other tools for you to use with your children.

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