DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Math Heroes

Math HeroesIt is so important for kids to realize that math is not a dreary, dull subject. There are a few mathematicians who stand out as math heroes, truly loving mathematics, and provide engaging explanations that make math understandable and fun for all ages.

And for an algebra curriculum that helps you to teach your kids successfully, even if you had trouble with the subject back in the day, try my Doodles Do Algebra series. I have published the first 3 books on Amazon as kindle books so far, with more to come soon. This week the newest in the series, “The Basic Math of Algebra” ( is available at a discount through the Kindle Countdown program and is currently $0.99 (normally $6.99, so get it while you can at this low price)

And no matter what you do today with your kids, spend some time with them being enchanted by math today!

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