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Hunting For Clues

Hunting for CluesLogic Puzzles can be a great way for kids to begin to think about logic. Below is a fun one with the answer on the attached download sheet. You can read the puzzle online or download the PDF file and get the answer as well.

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Murder in the Living Room

Mr. Smith was found dead in the living room of his home on the evening of December 4, 2014, at 8:30 pm. His death was reported to the police by the package delivery man, who, because he was the only person other than the dead man in the immediate area, was questioned by the detective in charge as follows:

Detective: What was your first knowledge of Mr. Smith’s death?

Delivery Man: As I was walking past his house, I saw him seated in this chair. As I watched him, he raised a pistol to his head and shot himself.

Detective: What did you do then?

Delivery Man: I rushed to the door and rang the bell, but no one answered.

Detective: How did you get into the house?

Delivery Man: I ran around the outside trying the windows. There was an unlocked one at the rear and so I climbed in it.

Detective: Did you close the window after you?

Delivery Man: No, I left it open.

Detective: What did you do after that?

Delivery Man: I made my way with some difficulty to the living room.

Detective: Was that when you telephoned headquarters?

Delivery Man: Yes.

Detective: How did you know where the telephone was?

Delivery Man: I saw it as soon as I opened the living room door and turned on the light.

Detective: How did you tear the pocket of your coat?

Delivery Man: I tore it climbing in the window.

Detective: And you say you saw no one leave the house?

Delivery Man: No sir.

Detective: What reason do you think Mr. Smith had for committing suicide?

Delivery Man: I am sure I don’t know.


Because of the inconsistency in the delivery man’s answers, the detective held him on suspicion of murder.



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