DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

J is for Joy, So Give A Little This Year!

J is for Joy, so give a little this year!I sat down this evening to write my “J” post without much of an idea of what to write about.

I was poking through the Christmas videos for Parents in and happened to see one called “The Ride.” It is fairly short (only about 30 minutes) and produced by Vertical Church Films. The entire story takes place in and around one taxi ride that a despondent man takes.

It is the tale of one taxi driver who just won’t let go of that little thought we sometimes get that something is really wrong. He chats and he suggests and he dawdles and comes up with reasons to avoid the intended destination (a bridge over a river) – yes you can guess what the man really wants to do.

This taxi driver just won’t give up. He is determined to help that sad man find a bit of grace and a way back home to his parents. Along the way, his efforts to help shine that grace on both of them. And that is where the joy comes in. I don’t want to spoil it for those of you who have a membership, so I won’t say more.

But it is a wonderful short film with a lovely and joyful Christmas ending.

So, J is for Joy, especially when you can give a little to someone who really needs it this year!

Merry Christmas!

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