DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Rain and Thundercakes

thundercakeToday is the first rain of the season for us. It has been so dry for so long enough that it may as well be a national holiday as far as my kids are concerned. This is the perfect day for a Thundercake.

When my kids were little the Hub read a picture book to them over and over and over, until he could recite the story without looking at the pages….in his sleep.

Besides being a wonderful tale of love and Grandmas and overcoming fears in a Michigan thunderstorm, Thundercake is a wonderful story by Patricia Polacco about having delicious tasty treats during a rainstorm. This is the kind of tradition that our family can readily adopt! (as far as I am concerned, anything at all is a good reason to make a cake)

So this morning we made pumpkin cake. The traditional chocolate and tomato Thundercake was preempted by pumpkin as it was just Halloween and I always boil up the kids’ pumpkins to make packs of frozen pumpkin pulp. (so, in all honesty, the photo of Thundercake was from about a month ago when we got a little bit of a drizzle and the kids wanted cake)

But pumpkin or chocolate-tomato, cake on a cold and rainy day somehow makes things more special (especially when there is whipped cream on top!).

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