DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Avoiding History That Isn’t

The storytellerOne of my favorite investigative reporter/ researchers recently wrote a piece covering the changes to the U.S. History Advanced Placement test that, according to the National Association of Scholars, rewrite our country’s history. (Here is the link)

This may not seem to directly impact your homeschooled children since you can choose to teach them the actual history of our country’s founding without interference. But if you plan to send your kids to college and would like to have your kids take the U.S. History Advanced Placement (AP) test, there could be a problem. I have heard homeschool moms say that they can just teach their kids both the ‘common core’ or progressive education method as well as ‘the real stuff’ that children will need to know in order to live their lives as productive, independent members of society. But why fill your child’s head with untruths and logical missteps just so they can parrot them back for a test to get into a college that will spend 4 years pumping more of the same into their heads?

Instead people need to stand up and demand that testing groups like those who design the AP and SAT tests conform to reality rather than to a strange progressive and divisive view of the world. Standing up is what the National Association of Scholars is doing. And standing up with what Joy Pullman is doing, just as she did when she led the charge to make public the movements that led to common core in public schools. It really is time to stand up and say, “Enough.”

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