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History and Music Together

My kids love Horrible Histories thanks to a friendship with a family from England. And thanks to Horrible Histories (the books and the videos), my kids know their Western Civilization better than they know the way to our local library (which is saying something if you knew how often we made the trek to the library for more books…

The kids found a new (to us) Horrible Histories Prom (British for a musical variety show in a really, really big auditorium) on Youtube and we have been watching it over and over and over and over, ever since. The great thing about Horrible Histories songs is that they teach you things. My kids know all the English monarchs (in order), and how many wives King Henry the 8th had and how they died (of course), medical techniques in Medieval times, and the difference between ancient Spartan and Athenian cultures. All good foundations to add the histories of America upon, and catchy tunes besides.


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